T-Friday 2-6pm
Driving Directions:
Head toward the 4th Ave extension
Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona’s services and programs are open to all girls ages 5-17 in Southern Arizona. We are a non-profit organization, privileged to serve more than 5,000 local Southern Arizona girls ages 5-17 and adult volunteers who serve as leaders, trainers, consultants, and board members.
While our traditional, volunteer-led troops are a big part of what we do and support, GSSoAz has taken a unique approach to reaching more girls through our Social Justice Program. As one of only a few councils in the United States implementing this approach, GSSoAz uses a staff-led model to reach girls who may not normally have the opportunity to participate in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Because times have changed and there are fewer and fewer parents who have the time to volunteer as a leader of a traditional troop, our council believes it is vitally important to devote resources and time into making the dream of Girl Scouting a reality for more and more girls.
Our council initiatives and specialized programs include:
Social Justice
Stewards of Children
Girl Volunteer Corps
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